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How to create your meditation space at home?

First of all...clean inside and you like to go to dirty places? Do not meditate on it when you are sick, hungover or under the influence of other intoxicants, because you will not meet your angels, but your demons (you know the ones who whisper in your ear that you can have one more glass, what could go wrong?)

It's good to have a room in the apartment where you can be alone undisturbed for at least an hour, but it can be really annoying if your partner shouts every 10 minutes, 'baby, where are my socks'?

Turn off the phone (also the other one), laptop, iPad, Apple watch, TV, radio, and anything else that might disturb you during meditation (husband, child, dog, cat...).

Light a candle, turn off the light, get comfortable on the couch or bed, put the cat away so it doesn't hang into your personal aura, then put the other cat away too...(and so on).

Cats are very sensitive to energy changes, which is why they always like to be 'near the fire'!

This reminds me, the candle should always, I repeat, ALWAYS be in a cat-proof place, otherwise in the middle of the meditation you will realize that the cats are running around the room engulfed in flames and you have to stop meditating to run with it into the bathroom and put out the burning animal with plenty of water ….

Start the meditation (on the phone that you turned off earlier), take a couple of deep breaths, bring your thoughts back to yourself... (Did I switched of the hot plate? What a asshole today on the meeting! I have to wash and iron tomorrow, but really...) and enjoy the trip!

Sounds like easy, doesn't it? I wish everyone a pleasant meditation and beautiful experiences 😊😍

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