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Collective consciousness

So Media again…why does Media have such a powerful impact on you? Because you always watch TV, listen to Radio, search on social media?…..but is this really all?

I have the strong opinion: it is NOT. Media is bombarding us with fear, sickness, death, war….so then why do you feel down even after you cut Media out?

It is because weather you watch TV or not, listen to radio or not, or never open social media at all – you will get impacted by the collective consciousness.

After you watch the news, you have your new opinion, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and this information will go straight away to the collective consciousness. But what is this exactly?

Have you ever wondered about a reflection, a thought, a knowledge, a belief - how do I know this? Never learned in the school, never seen before…than how?

“Collective consciousness can be generalized as the combination of common beliefs, ideas, and drive found in a group of people that drive their thoughts and actions. According to Durkheim, collective consciousness is defined as 'the body of beliefs and sentiments common to the average of members of society. “

“The collective consciousness informs our sense of belonging and identity, and our behavior. Founding sociologist Émile Durkheim developed this concept to explain how unique individuals are bound together into collective units like social groups and societies.”

What is very important from my point of view, is that whatever we learn, experience, believe – becomes straight away the part of collective consciousness.

There has been many research to proof the idea, just google ‘collective consciousness study’ , but nowadays it’s a known fact: collective consciousness exist, and it has a significant impact on us; how do we feel, how do we act, react, behave, what we believe, what we just ‘know’.

And whatever goes up – comes down to us…..

Is it so easy? You make some nice advertisement on your new brand and next day people will just love it? Kind of….just not so fast and not so easy, but this is the way it works! We learned in the University how advertisements can positively affect your brand strategy, but did we learned how exactly? The most important thing is neither the nice pictures nor the beautiful song – but the feeling, emotion, impression it generates in people! This info will be transferred to collective consciousness, and one day you just …KNOW IT!

Think about, we have XY brand that was used long time ago by many mothers all-around the world, and without having a baby you just know, that this brand is the best for your baby! How do you know this? Do you remember when you were 1-2 years old and you mom used it? Did you see any advertisement in TV long time ago – do you even remember the content?

Another example….how do you know how to use a wine opener? (sharp shift, I know 😊) Did someone teach you at school? Sometimes we don’t need to learn because we just know!

Did you ever experienced that people started to talk about something, war, crisis, natural disaster…..and suddenly it happened?

Its all about the same rule…whatever goes up, comes back down to us!

So be very careful about your thoughts, actions, experiences, because what we send up, will fall back to our neck! (now you can visualize it what we have up there right now…. 😊 )

Stay positive, energetic, open minded, stay tuned! If people will send all this positive affirmation up - imagine the monumental power of this metamorphose!

Let's transform this huge vortex energy cloud to a nice, shiny, marvelous, clear source of collective information, let’s create our safe and sound, invulnerable future together!

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