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Capricorn Full Moon July 22, 2024

I wrote an astrological analysis a long time ago, but this full moon brings very strong energies, we can already feel the wind on our skin! I can't unpack all the light angles, one post isn't enough for that, I'll just list the most important ones I see without claiming to be exhaustive.

Because of the Mercury - Uranus square, road and other accidents, fractures, falls, and technological anomalies will be very likely. If you don't have to, don't get in the car, and it's even better if you put your devices aside now.... They won't let you hang out on the internet all day, now you have work to do! In addition, the Mercury-Mars square will bring obstacles, nothing goes as planned, misunderstandings and arguments can be expected, we will talk side by side.... The Pluto-Sun opposition highlights once again the big questions of life regarding self-identity and self-knowledge: who am I? I? What am I doing? What should I do with my life? What's my task? And because of the Pluto-Moon opposition, our trust, even our primal trust, may waver a little. An emotional rollercoaster is expected (not a small one) and you really don't have to look outside for the ones holding on now (Saturn in the 12th house).

So much for the negative side, as I see it, now they are forcing us to really go inside, to stay at home (with a sniffle) because something is coming that we have to accept, and it won't be easy if you're driving somewhere with headphones or scrolling FB for hours!

So let's move on to the positive, supportive light angles, what helps in this process, what should we accept? The Moon-Saturn sextile helps us to be able to go inside, to dare to face what we see and perceive there, bringing profound thoughts and realizations! The Mars-Neptune and Uranus-Neptune sextile amplifies our intuition, compassion, increases our sensitivity, opens our channel so that we can receive the information dumping that we have to receive now! Because of the Moon-Uranus sextile, the desire for adventure, excitement, and the desire for something new, something different intensifies in us, but because of this, mood swings, outbursts, and recklessness can occur, change is never easy! The Uranus-Venus sextile revs up and kick-starts life around us, we connect with new people, because making connections now becomes fantastically easy! The Moon Mars sextile brings a strong desire for independence, to break away a little, to break away from everyday life, from the usual relationships, so that we can let in the new supporting energies! Now is the time to stand up for yourself, represent your interests, there will be an opportunity 😊

The Pluto-Neptune sextile now really brings radical changes! Many of us feel that we have reached a chaotic state from which there is no way out, but now the picture is clearer, we think about our goals, and the topic of life and death also comes up...

The Pluto-Mars trine clears up our vision for the future, helps us see the possibilities, be it in relation to relationships, work or finance, abstracted from everyday life, the BIG PICTURE now comes to the fore! The Pluto Uranus trine brings a real breakthrough, a new way of seeing, a new momentum, and those who no longer support this, those who cannot fit in, will now be separated from us.

It is difficult to list the divine light angles, there are so many, a lot of information is coming! What is important is that we are given the opportunity for karmic solutions, to stand up for ourselves, to live our feminine side, to ask for forgiveness (grace) from tasks and burdens that we can no longer carry, we can make important decisions and changes in our lives, and huge changes in attitude come, they open up the our eyes in the matrix!

Last but not least, the bonus... The Venus-Mars trine strengthens the creative and sexual energies in us... like I said, stay at home... and if you're single, draw or paint 😊

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