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50 shades of ‘Fuck this’

-Inspired by my best friend , who asked my if my Yearly Tarot reading was for the Calendar or Fiscal Year….

There are days when you close the meetings angry and disappointed, or other days you go to bed so tired, you just don’t want to wake up the next morning to start the rollercoaster again, those days, when you go for an hour of power walk already at lunch time, and there are days, when ‘Fuck this’ appears already at 9 am in the morning….

What you can do about it? Is there any way to calm yourself down, to get out from the negative spiral relatively easy? Well, some people (just heard about it) take out the wine from the fridge, or they start to break things, or they order family pizza with burger on the side…but this cannot be the ‘solution’ each bad days right? And hardly imagine myself having a glass of rose at my morning meetings before my first coffee…(happy meetings, but I need my income to pay the bills).

So I started to discover and test the solutions, which I learned or found out, heard about, saw on social media, and happy to share my thoughts, might you find also something useful…

I will start with the obvious one: sport. No surprise, sport will help you in stress relief, no doubts about. Because I do not have gym access (I’m not in shape yet to go to gym, I don’t have time, it’s too expensive, I don’t like the receptionist’s face….) what I can do, if I’m really pissed off , I go out for a big power walk, or I take my dumbbell home, and start doing random exercise what I learned before. Whatever works for you, just full power. (At some point I took my pillows and started to box with my desk, because I didn’t had any sport equipment home.) I can tell you, it will definitely make you tired, and you will feel some relief. Or at least you have bigger problems, than the annoying idiot on the last call (e.g. hernia, lumbago, muscle pain).

If you have too many excuses to do sport, another great way to get rid of stress and calm yourself down is: mandala. No, this is not a word invented by me. Mandalas are colorful, detailed geometric patterns or designs, an artistic representation of higher thought and deeper meaning given as a geometric symbol used in spiritual, emotional, or psychological work to focus one's attention. Sounds sophisticated, right? In reality you sit down and drawn your own mandala (preferably) or get a pre-made one, and start coloring. There are no rules, just use your imagination, don’t think too much, just draw what comes. This way you will connect to your inner-self, and calm down slowly. Except….except your ‘Fuck this’ level is higher than 7 (from 1-10), than don’t even try to draw mandalas, because the outcome will be something like on the picture below…

My favorite one that sometimes I tend to forget: music. Music is a wonderful way of cheer and calm yourself without even noticing! You can create your playlist (I know it’s so 80’s but still, just do it!) and play in the bath, in the car, at work (they will think you are in a call and stop bothering you is a plus) or even home, when everything is too much – put your favorite song to the max volume again and again and get crazy, dance, jump, scream! (There is a high risk you open the wine at this point, but…whatever, Fuck this!) My only advise…do not, repeat do not use heavy metal, punk rock, deep house, drum and bass… even if you like them, this type of music will have the opposite effect on you, they lift your pulse, and they have negative effect on your chakra & aura system – instead of getting happy, most probably you will end up hating the whole world and be angry even to yourself – and this is not our goal. Try to focus on the ‘happy’ songs, that have positive vibes. When you listen to the song and start to smile – that’s a good indication 😊

The next one is very easy, free, you don’t need any special self-torturing equipment, and you can do basically everywhere: breathing exercise. So the thing is, depends on your angriness level, I suggest different types of exercises. The first one, when you are just a bit out of yourself, you lost your path, you need some grounding, you can do even by walking the 4-2-4-2 breathing. Inhale 4, keep in 2, exhale 4, keep it 2. Very simple, but gives you a rhythm, perfect solution to bring you back to your path.

The next one is usually part of my daily morning routine, we call it the ‘9-hole-breathing’ exercise (LOL). This will help you to wake up your kundalini channel. Visualize the three energy channels in your body. The middle channel is blue and straight rises through the center (interior) of the body; reed size, and widens slightly from the heart to the upper opening, to the crown chakra on the top of the head. The side channels are pencil-thick and they connect to the central channel at its bottom. They rise straight through the body on both sides next to the central canal, they bend back under the skull upwards and from the crown they descend behind the eyes and open into the nostrils. Here you find a video how to do this:

The last one I wanted to mention here is the pranayama breathing exercise, this is super powerful, and have plenty of advantages, you will feel so strong, intense, present, balanced, like never before:

There are hundreds of other breathing exercises , and in my opinion, this are the best and fast way to calm you down…

And there is meditation. Personally I prefer most of the time the guided meditation, because I just need to follow the flow. Try some of the millions of meditation videos in YouTube, pick the one works for you the best, and just try to find some time every day to do it. Some people do meditation in the morning, I can’t… my meditation time is afternoon, evening time – but this is really up to you. But meditation can be really different too, most of the time we meditate by cleaning, doing hand craft, driving, most of the cases we operate in ‘auto mode’, means meditation, because we ‘switch off’ and we connect finally to our inner-self. Its just less dangerous in a guided meditation than during driving…And again, if your stress level is above 7 from 1-10, meditation is not your choice, because its super difficult to concentrate if you are out of control, and want to throw your laptop out of the window.

So that’s all for now…feel free to share your ideas and thoughts for the next part!

Thanks for spending 10 minutes for me, and for yourself 😊

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