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Tarot readings

Monthly Tarot readings will help you understand the upcoming energy we will face, in order to act and handle situations consciously.
This are always possibilities, challenges, and the important thing will be how you react to the situations!
We have our free will, we are responsible for our decisions and behavior! 


Winter solstice December 21 - Dance of Soul and Spirit


Spiritual development, settling relationships, changing habits, the beginning of something new future planning


The winter solstice is always the end of something, the beginning of something new (Tarot - Death XIII). The current energies give us the key to the solution, how we can finally take control of our lives, how we can become the leader of our own lives, this is the period of opportunities (Ace of Wands, Ace of Swords).

If there were things that you wanted to change in your everyday life, you can do it now, Saturn will give you all the help you need! Whether it's work, habits, the environment around you, apartment, dressing, appearance, it's time to change! For this, you will probably come up with shocking, sudden ideas and solutions (Uranus) that you haven't even thought of before! With the help of Saturn, we now also get help to solve karmic tasks, if you put in the effort and work for it, you can get rid of huge burdens!


Venus, Mercury and Pluto are now dancing in the house of pleasure, what a combination! All this in Capricorn, which clearly shows that this area is now taking off! How can you bring joy to yourself and others? What can other people do to make you happy? Do you even allow, can you accept, that others bring you joy? Surrender yourself, experience the beauties of life, surrender yourself to happiness (Pentacles X, Cups X)!


There is now an opportunity to harmonize our relationships, to heal old wounds (VI of Swords), to have honest conversations that will now lead to serious results, you will be surprised if you go into it, a completely different (positive) reception will await from the other side! We will all be much more open to this honest communication, as our spiritual channels are activated (we can see through everything with almost mediumistic abilities) and our creativity and talents work as actively as never before. This will be one of our tasks, to be open, receptive, to accept these teachings, which will inexplicably flow towards us if we are willing to accept them and make them our own. With the help of Mercury, we will now be able to put what we have learned into practice very easily and quickly!


The arrangement of marital and partner relationships also comes to the fore, through emotional development you will now get rid of the uncertainty you had until now, and you can raise the bonds between you to a higher level!

Last but not least, it is also a very favorable period for shedding negative habits and addictions, if you still have a bad habit that you have tried to get rid of so many times, but failed, now is the time!


Of course, all of this will not be easy, putting down the inherited programs always comes with an emotional upheaval, we tend to avoid, explain why we do what we do, why it was so good... maybe these things are socially tolerated or accepted, but listen to your inner voice - happy does that make you Are these things really making your life better, or is it time to put them down? What is more important, social recognition or your own happiness and self-esteem? Believe that now you will have all the strength to change, and for this you will also receive Angelic support (Tarot - Strength VIII) !!!


Think about what kind of future you want to create for yourself. What is important to you, where do you need to surpass yourself, what else do you have to do? Are you living the life that makes you happy or the life that is expected of you? Mark the path and see where you need to improve and learn! This period will now highlight where you still have internal contradictions, what you still need to be freed from. Fantastic opportunity for development, don’t miss it out!



December Full Moon – Put up your pants ! Rollercoaster is about to change the gear 😊


Very strong Full Moon is coming, surprised? 😊 this Full Moon impacts very heavy all aspects our life (body-soul-spirit) and will bring us plenty of new directions, disciplines into our life.

First of all, there is the strong contrast between physical and spiritual life, work-life balance, opposition between your carrier and family life, spiritual and physical life. You have learned enough, now it’s time to realize, accomplish in your daily life what you have learned! We will be tested, how we can apply our knowledge, our awareness in real life!

In December you may realize things slowing down, things getting into place, you feel more self-esteem, peace, strength, acceptance, but only if you can get rid off old programs, your tension, resistance, fidelity to old programs!

There will be a chance to set yourself free from physical burdens, attachment to physical affections (money, house, yacht ect…) because this are not the things you can value yourself, this aren’t the best things for self-justification! Might this will be hard work, but will bring you the ultimate freedom!!!!

No surprise, this month family and relationships are in focus, we will be actively tested here too! But good news, we have the chance to relief karmic tasks, so go for it, even if it’s hard! We have the opportunity to overwrite old habits and solutions, and we can implement new programs into our life!!! Change is in the corner, it’s not always easy but definitely savior!

Use what you have learned last months, last years, use your intuition, and sudden positive surprises are granted!

Don’t worry, you will get a lot of support this month, from friends, family, and even from the Universe! Not always physical, but emotional foundation will be there to help you.

This Full Moon effects also your daily life, your daily routine, changes will apply even this part of your life. It’s time to leave your old conventions behind, change the concept, put yourself to the first place, and find the little things make you happy every day!

Don’t be afraid if all this changes will effect your relationships too, your partner will go though the same pattern, and all this changes will cause naturally a bit more confusion and conflicts. Try to be patient, don’t blame others for your problems! This is your life, your decisions, be aware what you want, what you need!

Last but not least, this will be the time of manifestation, plain your future, goals, passion, strengthen and reveal them! We will have this great power, let’s use it! We will get plenty of help and support this time from the universe, but how you can do it? Make an Angel ceremony, or just use your imagination during a short meditation! Vision your future, vision the future you want to live, whatever it is, just imagine that it is happening now, imagine yourself in situations, how you feel yourself (just positive) how you behave, react, what you have around you – this time we really have magical power to create our own future!  



December Tarot


December will be a month of opportunities for us, both physically, mentally, and spiritually, we can do things that we have wanted for a very long time. After the inward turn in October-November, we are now being tested on a physical level to see how we can apply what we have learned.

There is an opportunity to clarify and organize our relationships, to understand relationships, to solve problems, and we can expect harmonious, happy, conscious experiences.

Some things come to the fore this month as well, including our excessive need for security and excessive attachment to money, material things, and the experience of money as energy.

The center will focus on learning the ability to be flexible and easy going, but don't worry, you can do it, you can grow up to the task!

We have to face ourselves again (this is not unknown in the last few months) but now is the time to really leave the old programs behind!!!

In December, everyone can expect to gain new knowledge and experience, everyone will have the opportunity to look into the world of spirituality, which doesn't seem so distant and exclusive now!

This month will be a month of serious decisions, of laying the foundations of our own future, now it is very important to clearly select the direction you are going and stick to it steady!

I wish everyone a pleasant experience 😊





November 11 is a very important date every year, as the door of opportunities opens.

Why is this really special? This is the gate of opportunities, of a new beginning, when the body - soul - spirit work together, and we also receive a lot of external help to lay the foundations for our own future.

Before we get into that, let's just look at the energies of the previous months. On September 21st, with the Autumn solstice, we passed through the gate of Advent energies, the inward turn started parallel to nature, we set out on the inner path to get to know ourselves, our inner motivations, driving forces, and feelings.

In October, we entered the month of Scorpio, which pulled us down with explosive force, into depths where many of us have never been before. What is Scorpio energy? It's always something that brings awareness to the surface, getting to know the dark side of a person, confronting the things we've packed away in the darkest, deepest corners of our souls. Bringing up and confronting these things is not an easy task, but the reward is spiritual cleansing and self-dissolution.

The energies of All Saints created an excellent opportunity to connect with our departed loved ones, to settle conflicts and debts stuck in the past. These energies were strengthened to the maximum by the conjunction of Venus-Taurus Uranus on November 5, and then by the inaugural full moon on November 8, let's not forget, all this in the month of Scorpio.

There was plenty of work, but let's get to the 11:11 gate.

Numerological, the sum of 11.11.2022 is 1 - i.e. a fresh start, a fresh start, the birth of the new. Angel Number 222 is a symbol of clear vision, unity, love and our relationship with God. 11:11 means that the higher reality is now moving into our physical everyday life. It reminds us of our true purpose, it is always a confirmation that we are on the right path. So what is this gate? An opportunity to start over, to discover our own goal, our own path and start, to connect with ourselves and God.

This is no longer just about internal work and turning inward, these are acting, active, forward-looking energies based on the experiences of the past month!

How can you help the integration of these energies? Consciously prepare for these decisive days, think about what tasks you have struggled with in the past two months, what you have managed to solve and develop yourself, based on which path do you want to take? What would you like to radically change? What does your inner voice suggest, what should you let go of? How would you like to see yourself in the future, what desires would you like to fulfill? Now the focus will be on the future, and if you have formulated what you want, light a candle, perform an Angel ceremony, but what is important, formulate it and say it out loud! Open yourself up and let these sublime energies work for you and support you!




November Tarot - what is security, why do I worry about security


In the month of November, you will need logical thinking, purposefulness, and a firm will, you will find your way if you listen to your own inner voice! You don't always have to turn to others, you will find all the answers if you listen to the wise voice of your soul!

This month will really be an inward journey, but here is also the other task: letting go. Don't be surprised if you often feel nostalgic, old memories, desires, and childhood images come up (this is expected and completely natural during the Advent season), now you will have the opportunity to reconnect with them, clarify, and let go of what no longer serves you. If you are willing to commit to this, yes, you can achieve great success, happiness, joy, and satisfaction through liberation are guaranteed!

The last two years have put a huge burden on everyone, it's no coincidence that you feel tired, too much pressure has been on us for too long. Don't want to solve everything on your own right now, you need to rest and turn inward!

Over-idealized dreams are now collapsing like a house of cards, now flexibility and faith will be needed.

Your faith in financial 'security' may be shaken, old programs fall; 'Hard work pays off' 'It came easily, it's going easy' – this old programs are not relevant this times, but you have the chance to think about:

What gives me the real safety, feeling secure? What makes me really feel stable? How do I value myself more?



October Tarot – Sorting out relationships, experiencing the feminine side


In October we can expect a lot of painful debate, arguments in our relationships. This is the month of sorting out our close relationships and friendships. You need to stand up for yourself, face this challenges, even the toughest critics, painful problems. Revise, shift, overrule your relationships are not always pleasant, but this is the time to leave people behind, who doesn’t help you to raise.


The possibility of a new, much peaceful life is in front of you, with harmony, love, but first you need to reconcile the past. Arguments will be sorted out, but its up to you, if you choose the hard way.


This month our feminine side is in the spotlight, we can live our feminine strength, the fighter, self-confidence, acceptance, bravery and firmness.

So we will face challenges (as usual…), challenges to test our stamina, but we get only what we can handle! Be aware of great possibilities this month!!!


Change your perspective, all this tests will teach you something, and if you face them, you will release karma, you will be proud of yourself!

And again…..try to use your feminine side (even men have this), try to handle situations with love, respect, honor, dignity, but strong will and keep your independence!


Don’t forget – what you don’t solve know….life will bring you back the same situation again and again, until you decide to face it!!!!



2022 September Tarot

Be conscious this month with work, we might feel overloaded, exhausted, tired, pressure is on the roof, but as usual, we want to solve everything by ourselves....It's very important to take your time and relax, slow down! Create the time to recharge and get away from the daily life, from the extreme pressure! There will be plenty of challenges, conflicts this month, how you can deal with them? With confidence, strong will, determination, optimism! Make sure you always stand by your own opinion, be clever, be brave, don't let yourself convinced by other's influences! This month we will be challenged, if we are able to follow our inner voice, belief, if we are able to follow our own rules. Who sows so shall she reap! This is the month of exam, how we stand immaturity, how brave we are, but be careful to rush into the unknown! Listen to your gut feeling, listen to your common sense! In September we might feel bigger insecurity, and we feel the extra need for sense of security, insurance, be sound, generous, stay stable! You got everything you need, don't expect this security from outside, create it inside YOU! Positive affirmations might help, 'I have everything I need, I live in a safe environment, I have good wealth'. The other main message for this month is that we might have transcendent experiences, our belief becomes stronger, we feel that we are all ONE. The knowledge you have must be shared, take the opportunity to educate others around you! Change will come from inside, when more and more people wake up! Changes driven by a person, a leader can last only temporarily, the big dramatic change comes bottom up, when all people changes their mind, and craving for revolution....


Monthly Highlights - August 22

In the month of August, there is the opportunity to rise above, to start over, to experience physical and spiritual limitlessness, but many people still do not see the truth, the hindering energies are very strong, there is a lot of despair and uncertainty, and many people always engage in ostrich politics.

It's time to listen to the inner voice, think logically, and focus purposefully and with a firm will on preserving our independence and freedom.

The month carries a lot of negative energy, disappointment, sorrow, the conflict situation continues, constraints and constraints are not resolved.

The root causes of anxiety, I say, must be focused on: what am I afraid of, what am I running away from within myself?

The possibility of redemption and clarification is now here, the previously suppressed and buried feelings can come to the surface and we can be freed from the burdens of the past, we can find a way out of the present situation...but how? With responsible behavior and actions, learning and working on our own, generosity and willingness to help.

Overall, those who are willing to put themselves in and work on their demons, pay attention to themselves and their inner voice responsibly and purposefully, find the truth and rise above the negative energies bombarding us, otherwise just fear will remain...The opportunity is here, are you willing to take it?


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